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ABB And King Long To Develop E-Bus With Fastest Flash-Charger


ABB and King Long Motor Group have signed an agreement to jointly develop an e-bus with world’s fastest flash-charger for China’s booming battery-electric public transportation market.


The e-bus will feature ABB’s TOSA flash-charging system that tops up the battery in just seconds while passengers get on and off the bus.


This avoids the need to take the vehicle out of service for recharging every few hours or having a replacement bus ready, thus minimizing the size of the fleet. 


For demonstration to customers, the partners are already building a pilot project in China. It will be ready early next year.


King Long will design and assemble the e-bus, while ABB will provide the TOSA flash-charging solution consisting of a wayside feeding station, an energy transfer system and an onboard battery charger.


The fast-charging solution requires no costly overhead lines. It enables public transportation companies to deploy emission-free, noiseless e-buses in a cost-effective and environment-friendly manner.


In Geneva, Switzerland, ABB’s TOSA is already an established e-bus technology and saved more than 1,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.


Chemetall Starts Construction Of New Surface Treatment Site In Zhejiang


The Surface Treatment global business unit of the Coatings division of BASF, operating under the Chemetall brand, has started construction of its surface treatment site in the Dushan Port Economic Development Zone of Pinghu, Zhejiang province.

新基地计划于2021年第一季度投入运营, 这是凯密特尔历史上最大的投资项目。

The new site is expected to commence operation in the first quarter of 2021. The new facility is the largest investment in Chemetall’s history.


It will meet the growing needs of our customers in China for reliable, high-quality and sustainable surface treatment products and system solutions. The surface treatment site in Pinghu will provide a strong manufacturing base for the business to further strengthen Chemetall’s supply position in China,


The new site is designed in a highly energy-efficient and sustainable manner, offering the potential for future expansion and the flexibility to adapt to new production requirements in the years ahead. It houses production, administrative offices, a laboratory and a warehouse.


Chemetall has been present in China since 1995. Today, it is serving customers from various market segments including but not limited to automotive OEM and components, coil, general industry, cold forming, aerospace, aluminum finishing and glass.

三星可折叠手机Galaxy Fold周五上市

Samsung Will Release The Galaxy Fold In South Korea On Friday

据美国有线电视新闻网报道,三星周四宣布,Galaxy Fold将于9月6日在韩国上市,这将是首款上市的可折叠手机。

Samsung on Thursday announced the launch of its Galaxy Fold will go on sale in South Korea on Friday, which will become the first foldable phone to hit the market, by CNN reports.


Sales in other countries, including France, Germany, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States, will follow, though Samsung did not specify when exactly the phone will reach those markets.


Samsung said Thursday that it has spent the past several months "refining" the phone.

据悉,Galaxy Fold零售价为1980美元,原本计划在4月份登陆美国市场,但是由于样机中发现屏幕故障,上市时间被迫推迟。

The foldable phone, which will retail for $1,980, was originally supposed to hit stores in April. Those plans were shelved after reports from early users about how quickly the device broke.


Starbucks Plans To Improve US Employees' Mental Health Benefits


Starbucks is planning to improve mental health benefits for US employees in one of its latest bids to attract and retain talent in a tight labor market.


In a letter to employees Thursday, CEO Kevin Johnson announced the initiative along with others designed to improve employee productivity and engagement. 


"The more thoughtful we are about creating a range of benefits that matter to our partners — Starbucks' term for employees — that helps us attract new partners," Johnson said.


Competition for workers is fierce.One way to attract talent is by offering robust benefits and unique services.
