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时间:2020年11月11日 - 13日
地点:北京 · 钓鱼台国宾馆

CDF之声 | 渣打集团行政总裁温拓思:对中国经济的韧性充满信心 返回 CDF之声 列表>


新冠肺炎疫情爆发后,论坛中外方企业纷纷支持中国抗疫工作。“CDF之声”借此推出特别系列,今天发声的是渣打集团行政总裁温拓思(Bill Winters)。

渣打集团行政总裁温拓思(Bill Winters)在视频中对受疫情影响的人们表示关切,肯定了中国抗击疫情的努力,对疫情后的中国经济发展、中国资本市场开放充满信心,并期待参加今年的中国发展高层论坛。














渣打银行战略重点的第一位就是,继续推动中国的发展,创造更多就业,发展经济, 并为中国和世界创造更多繁荣。


Very much looking forward to attending the China Development Forum later this year.

We all know it needs to be moved because the tremendous challenges around the coronavirus, which affected all of us, but nobody more than our friends, colleagues, and clients in China.

And we know China is the global growth engine and all that growth may be impacted in the early part of this year, we expect it to recover back to normal level very quickly.

I am very proud of my colleagues in Wuhan, Hubei province and the rest in China, who have done everything in their power to make sure the Standard Chartered Bank continues to operate in a smooth and seamless way, while dealing with tremendous adversity themselves. 

Of course, our business has been impacted, as that is the economy of China, that is something we will be watching very carefully. But we have no doubt about the resilience of our business we have no doubt about the resilience of China. 

First and foremost to contain the virus, which seems to be well under way and progressing in a very encouraging way. But also to get the economy back at running, and get these supply chains moving, minimize the disruption to the supply market and to the financial market more broadly.

But I would say the rest of world is very much with China in this particular fight.  We know the decision has taken a long way and has been very bold, and also very disruptive for businesses and for people’s lives, but we also know the fact that the result is going to be very very successful when we get this firmly contained and then go to a full recovery. 

At Standard Chartered, NO.1 on our list of strategic priorities has been and continues to be to help China to grow jobs, to develop economically and help deliver prosperity to the people of China and the rest of the world. 

That is something we will continue to invest in: investing in the opening up of capital markets, investing in helping Chinese companies to expand internationally, and helping bring international capital into China, which is extremely important for the post virus recovery phase as it has ever been. 

So looking forward to discussing these and other things in China Development Forum later this year, and in the meantime, please know you have the complete support of Standard Chartered Bank.