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时间:2020年11月11日 - 13日
地点:北京 · 钓鱼台国宾馆

CDF之声 | 施耐德电气首席执行官赵国华: 中国政府和人民的勇气和担当令人钦佩 返回 CDF之声 列表>


新冠肺炎疫情爆发之后,论坛中外方企业纷纷支持中国的抗疫工作。“CDF之声” 借此推出特别系列,今天发声的是——施耐德电气董事会主席兼首席执行官赵国华(Jean-Pascal Tricoire)。

施耐德电气董事会主席兼首席执行官赵国华(Jean-Pascal Tricoire)在视频中用中文对受到病毒威胁的中国人民表示深切的慰问,对因疫情逝去的生命表示悼念:


















这需要中国上下巨大的决心、协调一致以及全力以赴, 我们非常认可中国所做的一切。





As an old friend of China, the developing coronavirus outbreak has wrenched my heart. Please allow me to extend my most sincere sympathy and support for the Chinese people who are being threatened by the outbreak of COVID-19, and my deepest mourning to the lives lost.

The courage and undertaking, as well as the humanitarian spirit as demonstrated by the Chinese people, has brought me waves of emotions and earned my respect.

The developing coronavirus outbreak has wrenched the hearts of all our Chinese staff and, has called the attention of the whole Schneider community.

Our China team responded very quickly to support Wuhan, where we have a lot of colleagues, and business partners.

Apart from cash donation, the team worked without any delay with our partners to mobilize all needed electrical equipment for the construction of the two makeshift hospitals, Huoshenshan and Leishenshan, to accommodate patients. Logistics were extremely challenging under the current circumstances, however we managed it and had everything delivered in time, in Wuhuan. The safe and reliable supply of electricity could be guaranteed to help save people’s life.

Our efforts do not stop there and extended to the restoration of Xiaotangshan Hospital in Beijing, and the other “Xiaotangshan model” hospitals in other regions.

Meanwhile, our company has been sparing no efforts in sourcing and procuring medical supplies throughout Europe and the world, to hopefully contribute more.

Our teams are also working very hard to solve the business issues raised, and to support with high solidarity the employees when facing difficulties.

China is taking all necessary prevention and control measures, and we are sincerely hopeful that the containment of the crisis will come thanks to the persistence, the sacrifice and the unremitting efforts of the all Chinese population and within them, all of our colleagues and partners of Schneider.

We are also grateful for all the concrete support from all levels of the Chinese government to allow companies and enterprise to resume work and production.

This requires tremendous determination, coordination, and efforts, and we all acknowledged the scale of those efforts of all over China.

Schneider Electric has been in China for many years. We grow with our customers and partners, and we have gone through everything together, good times and bad times. I have full confidence in the resilience of the Chinese people, of our China colleagues and of our China partners.

And I trust that, in a way, the experience of combating together with the crisis, will put us and make us closer together. Our journey in China together towards a bright future continues.

We have full confidence in China winning this battle! We remain confident in and, committed to China’s future!

Wuhan Jiayou! China Jiayou!