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时间:2020年11月11日 - 13日
地点:北京 · 钓鱼台国宾馆

CDF之声 | 西门子股份公司总裁兼首席执行官凯飒:中国作为世界第二大经济体始终胸怀大局,着眼... 返回 CDF之声 列表>


新冠肺炎疫情爆发之后,论坛中外方企业纷纷支持中国的抗疫工作。“CDF之声” 借此推出特别系列,今天发声的是——西门子股份公司总裁兼首席执行官凯飒(Joe Kaeser)。

西门子股份公司总裁兼首席执行官凯飒(Joe Kaeser)一直关注中国的抗疫工作。他表示,目前新型冠状病毒已经在很多国家蔓延,造成了国际性的危机。



























Dear friends and partners,

I know this is a challenging time for many of you and for your loved ones, especially those of you in Wuhan and Hubei.

As we closely watch the fight against the coronavirus, we at Siemens would like to express our deepest condolences to the families in mourning. And we wish a speedy recovery to all those who have fallen ill no matter where at in the world.

We do support the efforts and measures of the Chinese government and the Chinese people to fight this epidemic.

The virus has now spread to many other countries, making this an international crisis.To overcome its impact, we must make sure there is fair and transparent cooperation at all levels.

I am very confident that by working together, we can learn from each other and identify the best measures for keeping this virus in check.

And I really do have to say, we are very impressed about the China’s government and the Chinese people on how you have been dealing with this drastic topic.

As an integral part of China’s society, we of course took immediate actions. Siemens in China donated Siemens medical equipment worth about 15 million RMB to hospitals in areas which have been affected; and more than 6,000 employees from more than 50 Siemens entities in China donated 2.2 million RMB to China’s efforts in the fight against the coronavirus.

The full impact on the economy is yet to be seen. But what I can say is this: Siemens is committed to offsetting the negative effects on the economy, not just in China, but in all 190 countries in the world that we do business.

As a tech company, we fully support China’s economic recovery and we are already preparing to resume business with our customers and our close partners all across China.

We at Siemens are in China, for China.

At the same time, we are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the health and the safety of our more than 36,000 employees in China and their families.

I do know that this is more than being just about money, but we are here to help. We will put out full power into helping China, our Chinese employees and the Chinese people to overcome the current crisis.

As far as the economic impact is concerned, of course I do know that the virus has taken quite a toll on China’s economic development, but it is only short-term.

I am very confident that China’s long-term economic development will succeed.They have great five-year plans, they have a very clear path of China’s development strategy, so I am very positive about the recovery any time soon. China has always been known and famous for long-term planning, for long-term view, this is the second largest economy in the world.

We do know that China will emerge stronger and more resilient from these challenging times. We at Siemens remain committed to contributing to China’s continued development.

Although this year’s CDF has been postponed, I do look forward to the conversations there, which I’m sure to be open and constructive as always. I look forward to the meeting in Beijing hopefully soon. 

And I do wish you and all your families all the very best, and most importantly, that you stay in good health! Stay strong Wuhan! Stay strong China!

This is the message from Siemens to you. We are here to help, we are here to stay, and we are going to develop together in the future. Thank you very much!